Everyone Welcome at all our services

Click here: WHATS ON 16th February 2025


Please see the further information about services and times below
We invite you to join us

The local church schedule

ST LEONARD’S, Rectory Road, Deal, CT14 9LU

Every Sunday: 8.00AM - 8.30AM: Holy Communion (BCP)
1st & 3rd Sundays: 10.00AM All Age Family Worship
2nd & 4th Sundays - Holy Communion
5th Sunday - Whole Parish (as adv'sed)
Tuesdays: 12.00 Noon - Holy Communion (BCP)

Priest in Charge: Revd Mthr Monica Cameron

For enquiries about our services, weddings and baptisms please contact Mrs Wendy Manion, Parish Administrator on 01304 374076 or email: stleonardsoffice@btinternet.com or revmonicacameron@gmail.com

ST MARTIN’S, Church close CT14 0HL

Sundays: 11.00AM: 1st & 3rd Sunday - All Age Family Worship
2nd & 4th Sunday - Holy Communion
5th Sunday - Whole Parish (as adv'sed)

Priest in Charge: Revd Mthr Monica Cameron

For enquiries about our services, weddings and baptisms please contact Mrs Wendy Manion, Parish Administrator on 01304 374076 or email: stleonardsoffice@btinternet.com or revmonicacameron@gmail.com

ST NICHOLAS, London Road, Sholden, CT14 9QN

Sundays: 9.30AM: 1st & 3rd Sunday - Holy Communion
2nd & 4th Sunday - All Age Family Worship
5th Sunday - Whole Parish (as adv'sed)

Priest in Charge: Revd Mthr Monica Cameron

For enquiries about our services, weddings and baptisms please contact Mrs Wendy Manion, Parish Administrator on 01304 374076 or email: stleonardsoffice@btinternet.com or revmonicacameron@gmail.com

ST RICHARD’S, 163 Mill Hill, CT14 9JA

Sundays: 10.30AM: 1st Sunday
3rd All age children's service with breakfast
5th Sunday - Whole Parish (as adv'sed)

Priest in Charge: Revd Mthr Monica Cameron

For enquiries about our services, weddings and baptisms please contact Mrs Wendy Manion, Parish Administrator on 01304 374076 or email: stleonardsoffice@btinternet.com or revmonicacameron@gmail.com

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